The Fall of Gods Wiki
Matthew fox 2011

Karl Bachmeier is a vice leader of the Rogue Inquisitors and a former pupil of Pope Bardarus Bismarck. He is a powerful superassassin capable of teleporting himself and others over great distances. Karl has almost always been an ally of the heroes, with the exception of the fourteen years inbetween the assassination of his friend and captain Max Morton and just after the beginning of The Fall of Gods 2, during which Karl and the rest of his team had been tricked into believing that Dugal Cain had murdered Max, and as such was hunting Dugal down as a member of Section 1.

Powers and Abilities[]

Karl is capable of teleporting himself and others over great distances, granting him and his allies incredible maneuverability. He is also an experienced veteran inquisitor, making him a world class assassin and special operations commander.


In chronological order:


Despite being only a minor supporting character in the story, Karl's teleportation powers has many times proven to be vital for the main heroes and many other supporting characters to either get to certain places quickly and undetected, or to escape a major threat.
